Book Tag · English Review/Post

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I’ve been nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Danni over @ _ForBooksSake. Thanks so much!

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or on your blog.


Danni’s Questions:

1 – What are you currently reading, and are you enjoying it so far?

I’m one of those people who always read multiple books at a time, so this answer might be a tad bit longer …

I started listening to and reading along to Illuminae by Jay Kristoff. It was always a book I wanted to skip because Scifi and to keep my rebel rep (can’t bend to every hype!) but I was Co-Hosting the Alphabethon and this week was the letter I and they are surprisingly few books with an I … so I caved and started it and I’m in love! The audiobook is amazing but it’s also so much fun to read along? Can only recommend it!

Anna Undreaming by Thomas Welsh is another one. This is the very first physical English review copy I ever got and it’s a stunning book, Inside and out. I’m about 30% into it and I love it! The magic system is so intriguing, the atmosphere is great and the main character is the best!

I’m also participating in the group buddy read for Soulbinder by Sebastian de Castell (if you’ve read my last wrap up you know we’re reading the whole Spellslinger series together) and I’m a little behind the schedule but not because I don’t like it. It will surprise no one when I’m saying this … but I adore it! So much fun, but also so much anger and heartbreak!

Book Numer 4 is The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang. I just read the first chapter but I think I’ll really enjoy this one as well. The second part of the first chapter already broke my heart, soo …

I also started Nevernight by Jay Kristoff a while ago and even though it’s been a little bit of a tough start I quite enjoy it. Hadn’t had much time to read this lately though.

And last but not least, I’m reading Never-Contented Things by Sarah Porter. I got it through NetGalley and it’s definitely time I finally read it. It’s really intriguing so far. Fucked up and really dark … but that’s my things.

2 – What is your biggest bookish pet peeve?

If we’re talking story, then it’s either Instalove (hate it with a passion and can ruin a whole book for me – my cold dead heart just can’t relate at all) or when characters do stupid things that get other people in danger without a proper reason for it. Like, we all do stupid shit sometimes, that’s relatable. But there has to be some kind of reason or motivation for it.
And just for honour even though everyone says it’s gonna get you and everyone else killed but you refuse to do it the clever way and have some kind of backup plan then sorry … but no! (This is a callout of a specific character but I won’t say who because spoilers!)

Other things that are more production-type things: Printed on stickers! Can they please die already??

3 – Tell me an interesting fact about yourself

Ahm … I’m blanking here. Maybe that I did an exchange year in school and went to live a year in Chile when I was 15/16?

4 – Which TV show could you watch over and over again, and not get bored?

Downtown Abbey! I just love that show so much!!
Can anyone guess my two fav characters? I feel like I’m fairly predictable in that regard. (You’ll get cookie points if you guess correctly!!)

Another show I really loved was Bones. I didn’t watch the last couple season though … maybe I should change that?

5 – Which fictional character would you love to be friends with?

Kellen, Ferius and Reichis from the Spellslinger series. They are all so loyal, so funny and I’d love to be part of their banter.

Ronan and Gansey from The Raven Cycle. I feel like they are so supportive (more hidden in the case of Ronan) of ‘weird’ hobbies and interests. And you never have to feel weird when totally obsessing over a new book or secular hobby.

And lastly Aelin and Lysandra. (TOG) Just because I love them so much. Oh and Mitch from Vicious!

6 – How are your bookshelves organised?

I have one small shelf for all the books I bought or got this year. Love doing this so I can have a visual reminder of how many books I get. And how good I am at actually reading them in a timely manner.

Then one large shelf for all my read books, one large shelf for all my unread books and another one that’s just organised by what didn’t fit into the others. It has all my non-fiction and a lot of my German and Spanish books.

And except the one for all my new books, they are all organised by what looks best IMO. #Aesthetics

7 – Do you have any hobbies?

Besides reading and blogging? No … well, I kinda do. I love to play my cello, I don’t take classes right now though. Same with dancing. I practice some pointe on my own and I really wanna start classes again, soon. But I’m too broke right now.
I really like Calligraphy and drawing, I don’t do it nearly enough though.
Oh and I just started to get into sewing. Love it!!

8 – What is your favourite famous work of art?

The Lady Of Shalott


9 – Do you collect any type of bookish merch?

I do! The things I probably like most are art prints, candles, mugs/cups, tin boxes and socks.
Recently I got a lot of Three Dark Crowns merch and I’m living for it!!

10 – Which is your favourite season, and why?

Winter! Without a doubt. I love when it’s dark outside. I go out way more in the darkness, I just feel that much more comfortable that way. Another thing I love is the cold! I can’t deal with the heat. And it doesn’t matter if you want to go out or stay in, I always prefer the cold. Perfect would be a lot of snow as well, but we didn’t have that much snow in the last couple of years sadly. But if we do … everything looks so peaceful and quiet and it’s the best thing. It’s also the perfect reading season.

11 – Which book or series brings you the most happiness?

Currently the Spellslinger Series. one because of the sarcastic and witty writing style/characters and because it’s so much fun reading it with the girls!

But if we are talking generally, then both Harry Potter (found so much courage and love in that series and I love talking about it) and all Agatha Christie books. I instantly feel better whenever I pop in an audiobook of one of her books. Especially with Sparkling Cyanide. Instant smile no matter how down I was before!


You all deserve a medal if you’ve made it this far! It seems I’m incapable of short answers …


I tag:
  1. Lea @ Zwischen Worten
  2. Vinny @ Artsy Draft
  3. Noly @ The Artsy Reader
  4. Eline @ Lovely Audiobooks
  5. Tanya @ Motif by Tanya
  6. Kathy @ Pages below the Vaulted Sky
  7. Olivia @ Olivia’s Catastrophe
  8. Sahi @ Ksahitya
  9. Hamad @ The Book Prescription
  10. Melanie & Mireille @ TBR and Beyond
  11. Kristina @ Books & Dachshund


And my Questions for you are:
  1. Were you always a reader or did your love for books come later? If later, what sparked it?
  2. Do you annotate, highlight, or use sticky notes in your books?
  3. What are your Top 3 Books this year and what songs do they remind you off? (Or art if you prefer)
  4. What is a myth/legend/fairytale you’d like to read a retelling/reimagining of?
  5. If you had a superpower/ magical ability that fit’s your character … what could you do? (Not what you’d most want to but what you think fits you the best)
  6. Have you ever bought a book just because of the cover? If yes, did you read it? Was it good?
  7. What’s your fav blog post to write, what’s the fav to read?
  8. Do your family and friends know about your blog (&other bookish social media)?
  9. Describe your fav colour without mentioning it.
  10. What is your all-time favourite quote from a book you loved?
  11. What’s the weirdest fun fact you know?

8 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thanks for the tag! I love the raven cycle and yes, Gangsey and Ronan would be so supportive of all the hobbies which you can definitely see from them being the two originals of the Glendower quest gang. I loved Illuminae and I am so glad you decided to give it a chance! And I really need to continue on the Spellslinger series and finally try Nevernight. I really don’t like printed stickers or stickers of any kind on books. Oh, and insta love is so frustrating!

    Olivia-S @ Olivia’s Catastrophe


  2. Thank you for the tag, love your questions! I’m probably gonna schedule it for thursday ☺️ (However.. oh my lord am I bad for thinking of questions..)

    Wow- Five books at the same time! Just, how?! I have trouble with only ONE 😂 Ahh how i’d love to know how to play an instrument, or dance! I’d love to take any classes – specially pole dancing, that looks really fun! But I don’t have a set work schedule.. my days off and shifts just flows around so 🤷🏽‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! I’m looking forward to your answers!
      Also, I feel you. I was worrying about asking new questions the most, too 😅

      Easy! One audiobook, one ebook and one Physical. If I wanna add more (or need, too .. I’m impatient) then they have to be different enough. Illuminae is perfect for that because of the format! 🤓
      You could always start taking lessons now! I’d love to learn to play another instrument as well. Oh and yes! Pole dancing is something I’ve thought about for a while, too.
      That sucks!! Will that change?
      But it’s similar with me right now. I have a lot of blocked courses in Uni so my schedule varies from month to month …

      Liked by 1 person

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